


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of eClosing for Title?2020-06-18T14:36:58+00:00
  • Standardize the closing process
  • Designed to eliminate missed signatures
  • Faster delivery of closing documents to lenders
  • Differentiate yourself among consumers, real estate agents, and lenders
What are the benefits of eClosing for Consumers/Borrowers?2020-06-18T18:08:56+00:00
  • Review all borrower relevant documents at their convenience
  • Have all document related questions answered before closing
  • Enjoy a safer, easier, quicker, closing experience
  • Access their documents anytime from any device
Do I need to print out the closing package when the closing is over?2020-06-18T18:02:33+00:00

You will have the ability to simply upload the wet-signed documents and they will included in the entire closing package that will automatically be pushed to your eFolder.

Can the borrower view their documents before closing?2020-06-26T16:34:47+00:00

The borrower will be sent an email that gives them access to all of the eSigned and Wet signed documents to view before closing. They are able to scroll through all of the documents as well as jump to specific documents.

Is the borrower required to view their documents ahead of closing?2020-06-26T16:35:23+00:00

No, the borrower will view every document during the signing process.

Are GSE’s accepting eClosed loans?2020-06-17T21:33:51+00:00

Not only do Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac accept electronic signatures on documents in the closing process, they have stated that eClosings and eMortgages are the future.

Will the borrower have access to the documents after closing?2020-06-26T16:35:48+00:00

The borrower will be sent an email after closing that gives them access to the entire signed package. They are able to download and print those documents to keep for their records.

Can seller documents be signed using eClosePlus?2020-06-26T16:09:40+00:00

Absolutely, we are able to prepare all of your documents, regardless of source to eClose.

Is there help for the borrower during the viewing or signing process?2020-06-26T16:38:05+00:00

The borrower can access our concierge team with any questions or issues. The help icon is available on the login page as well as the entire viewing and signing process.

Do we need to split the documents within a package?2021-03-30T20:03:22+00:00

We do that for you. Our AI will automatically classify all of your documents so that that they can be separated, tagged, and delivered to the appropriate location.

Are we going to have to manually tag the documents when we upload them?2020-06-17T21:34:33+00:00

No, during implementation we will learn your documents and teach our system how and where to tag them.

What if I need to replace a document in a package?2020-06-17T21:34:45+00:00

Simple, just send us the document or group of documents that you need to replace. There is no need to send the entire package again.

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